
On Time

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Product Development

On many occasions our clients have involved TelePro in their product development. We take pride in developing products that make our clients successful.

New products evolve from the expertise of the client. To bring the product to market will typically involve some computers or electronics, so clients rely on TelePro to advise, plan, design, and build prototypes of their products.

TelePro respects the confidence of its clients and holds all information confidential. We can act as an independent third party to give ideas and check out the marketplace from a technical viewpoint. After planning, design, and prototype phases, TelePro can help the client line up the manufacturing.

TelePro enhances a client’s expertise by providing expert computer engineering at all phases of the product cycle. Our clients know their customers and products, and TelePro provides them with the extra technical expertise to make their products successful.

Laboratory / Test Systems

Laboratory and test environments have a set of challenges that computers address very well. In the laboratory, engineers and scientists are running experiments and producing data to determine the direction and success of their projects. In a test system, the engineer is concerned with quality and reliability of the parts or equipment being produced on the manufacturing floor. Both laboratory and test computers have similarities due to the types of instruments, computers, data analysis software, and the effect the data has on the direction of the experiment or production line.

The computers and instruments used are typically PCs with multimeters, voltage/current sources, relay switching, digital input/output, and analog input/output. The interface between the main PC and the data acquisition/control instruments is serial (RS-232, RS-422, RS-485), parallel (IEEE 488, GPIB), or added directly into the PC (HP, Fluke, or IBM PC boards).

The amount of software and hardware available to accomplish tasks in the laboratory and test environment is quite impressive. We have been very successful in helping our clients choose and implement the existing products needed to accomplish their job. When they do not exist, we will develop the necessary interfaces to ensure the existing pieces work in concert.

In summary, the laboratory and test environments can take advantage of available software and hardware tools needed to do 80% of the project, while TelePro provides the remaining application software and hardware to complete the solution. We offer our clients cost-effective solutions to meet their computer needs, allowing them to concentrate on achieving results.

Industrial Systems

TelePro offers its clients years of corporate experience in solving application, real-time system, and factory communications problems. With a staff of electrical engineers, physicists, and computer consultants, we’ve seen your challenges and met them. (For specific examples of our work, see the Projects section of this site.)


TelePro is an expert in the computer-to-computer communications field. Manufacturing control systems require the integration of increasingly sophisticated components, and TelePro has engineered solutions to satisfy both factory production and company information and data security goals.

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